Think Like an OBM


Sharpen your strategic thinking, make better business decisions, and start operating at the OBM level!

October 7-11, 2024

Join the Challenge

Think Like an OBM


Sharpen your strategic thinking, make better business decisions, and start operating at the OBM level!

October 7-11, 2024

Join the Challenge

Do you freeze when a client asks your opinion?

... What is the best platform to use?

... How can I make that easier?

... What would a really smart person say right now?

Your problem:  You're not thinking like an OBM.

Just like your other muscles, your OBM brain is a muscle that needs to be exercised and used often!

Just like your other muscles, your OBM brain is a muscle that needs to be exercised and used often!

Introducing the
Think Like an OBM Challenge

Here's how it works:


Every day of the challenge you will receive an email with a common scenario OBMs face.


On your own time, you can think through how you would react to that scenario. You'll think through platforms, strategy, processes, etc. to create a plan you would use for that client.


When you're ready, you will go to a page that has listed in-depth how I would approach the scenario.

Join the Challenge

This is for you, on your time.

There is no time you need to be somewhere, there is no obligation to show up. This challenge is for you, when it works for you.

A note from Amanda, The OBM Educator™


I'm here to demystify what it means and what it takes to be an Online Business Manager. I started my journey as an OBM four years ago, and in that time, I have made over a quarter of a million dollars doing what I love. I have served dozens of clients, worked over 3,000 hours, and led + supported countless launches, projects, system builds, and so much more. 

Becoming an OBM truly has changed my life and I believe that so many women are capable of running this business. My mission now is to help women create businesses that support the life they want, while also showcase their natural talent.

By pulling back the curtain on this business, my hope is that you are given the tools and confidence you need to make it reality.

A note from Amanda, The OBM Educator™


I'm here to demystify what it means and what it takes to be an Online Business Manager. I started my journey as an OBM four years ago, and in that time, I have made over a quarter of a million dollars doing what I love. I have served dozens of clients, worked over 3,000 hours, and led + supported countless launches, projects, system builds, and so much more. 

Becoming an OBM truly has changed my life and I believe that so many women are capable of running this business. My mission now is to help women create businesses that support the life they want, while also showcase their natural talent.

By pulling back the curtain on this business, my hope is that you are given the tools and confidence you need to make it reality.

What are you waiting for?
Learn to think like an OBM!

Join the Challenge